Leading in a changing world (Blog 1)

Blog 1: Leadership and Ethics


Ethic is a system of moral principles, it provided moral map for people when we are dealing with difficult issues. Leadership becomes an important factor that drives success of company. Ethical Leadership is defined as “the demonstration of normatively appropriate conduct through personal actions and interpersonal relationships, and the promotion of such conduct to followers through two-way communication, reinforcement, and decision-making” (Brown, Trevino, & Harrison, 2005). Ethical leadership is one of the key drivers leading successful organization, it relates to being good and bad, or right and wrong, also about understanding of what make thing to be good or bad. (Mullins, 2016) In this Blog, it will discuss two principal of ethics, which are deontological and teleological, also 4V model will be applied to define the concept of ethical leadership, finally, Enron will be used as an case to understand the importance of leadership in an organization.

Deontological and Teleological Ethics

The first Deontological principles was introduced by Immanuel Kant, he is the German Founder of critical philosophy in 18th century. The word ‘deontological’ comes from the Greek word deon, which means “duty”. Duty based ethics are usually concern the “principle of the thing’ (BBC, 2014). In deontological ethics, an action is considered morally good because of some characteristic of the action itself, not because the result of the action is good. (Duignan, 2015) Deontologists live in a universe of moral rules, for example, it is wrong to kill innocent people or it is right to give up seats to disable people.

Teleological ethics, which is also known as consequentialist ethics, it holds that the judgments for moral behavior will depend on the outcomes of a decision or an action. If the outcomes of an action are good, then it is held to be morally right; however, if the result of an action is bad, then it is considered to be morally wrong. The judgment of action to be right or bad will depends on the consequence of the action cause, not the characteristic of action.

4V Model

4V model was crested by Dr. Bill Grace and developed it base on his formal leadership research and personal passions around faith and ethics. (Kar, 2010)

The 4 elements of this model are:

Value: The start point of Ethical Leadership is understanding of and commitment to each individual core values.

Vision: Vision is the ability to frame our actions, especially in service to others, have a clear plan of what ought to be.

Voice: Voice is the process of showing your vision to others in a convincing way that could motivate people to action.

Virtue: Virtue can be fostered by practicing virtuous behavior, people should do what is right and good, understand that we become what we practice.

Values and Vision identify the group. They set the purpose and direction for the group. Values and vision are the most fundamental dimensions of leadership. Giving voice to values and vision brings group its dynamic. The articulation of vision and values can help group moving toward the realization of its vision. (Ethical Leadership Center, 2016)

Bad Ethical Leadership (Enron Case)

Enron scandal is a case of bad ethical leadership, Enron was the seventh largest company in the US, however it went bankrupt because it lied about its profits and stands accused of a range of shady dealings, including hiding their debt so it did not show in their company’s accounts to make investor and creditor believe that they performed well. After the facts been explored to public, company was forcing into bankruptcy in December in 2002 (BBC News, 2002) Enron is a case of moral failure, due to its unethical practices of its executives. The former chief executive, Jeffrey Skilling, and Former chairman Ken Lay were tried to concealing debt from company account, the company leader did not have ethical behavior when they are in trouble.

However, good leadership also affects organization in a sustainable way. For instance, Bill Gates, he founded the world’s largest software business, Microsoft, and subsequently became one of the richest men in the world. He is a successful ethical leadership in the world. He and his wife founded Bill & Melinda Gats Foundation to help with heath care, education. His success still impact a lot of people, there is no doubt that his ethics is key driver of his success. (Rampton, 2016)


In conclusion, leadership is considered as a process of influencing others. Leadership involves understanding the values of individual, showing respect for followers, being fair to others. A successful leader should establish their own ethical behavior and influence their employee. As we mention above, Enron executives that knowingly act as their own interest by compromise their morals and values in favor of achieving greatest good for themselves. Enron is an excellent case to drive public attention to ethical leadership. I would say that if Enron’s executives have ethical leadership, they would not go bankrupt. We should now realize that ethical leadership for organization is a key factor to drive success of organization. What do you think? Do you think unethical leadership could lead a organization failure?



10 thoughts on “Leading in a changing world (Blog 1)

  1. Hi Amber, your blog is interesting. I want to share my thought, I think an unethical leadership may have a big impact for company’s failure because unethical leader means they do not aware of the consequences that might be happening in the future, like your example “Enron” company. Regarding your role model of a leader (Bill Gates), do you think he has implemented 4V leadership model in his business? my last question is do you think if a leader has implemented the 4V model, it means they are a good leader?


    1. Hi, Jessica, thanks for your comments, I think Bill Gates has applied 4V model in his business, because he recognise the value of his employees, he sometimes pushed his employee so hard, because he wanted people to be as invested as he was; he had a clear plan for company and he monitor the process of plan. Gates is a hard working person, he always work during the weekend, he barely had vacation before he met his wife. He inspired his employee by showing people how he works. And for your second questions, I think a leader who has implemented the 4V model is a good leader, at least they are trying to do the right thing, but a good leader is not a temporary thing, it is a long procedure, A leader should keep “ethics”in mind all the time, not just for one day, or one month.


  2. This topic is very interesting.

    I agree with the statement that says ethical leadership is a key behind organizational success. Leaders in these types of organizations are not selfish and they do not only think about the potential benefits they might get in return, but also consider everyone’s benefits and do think about the consequences beforehand. I think one of the most important skills for leaders to hold “leaders” title is to have ethics within their skills set.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi Dashne, thanks for your comments, being a ethical is a essential requirement for a leader, however it is difficult to do it, because some leaders are act as their own interest or they just care about the outcome, they don’t really care whether it is true or not.


  3. Hi, amber, it is a really informative blog, you actually explain well in deontological and teleological ethics, and I also agree with your point that being ethical is actually very important for a leader. But just have some question in Enron’s case, what is the reason result company to bankrupt? Damage in company’ reputation? or their debt?


    1. Hi Lilly, thanks for your comments. I hope you understand what is deontological and teleological ethics after you read my blog. The main reason that cause Enron go bankrupt is company hide their debt by using accounting limitations to misrepresent, when the new was explored to the public, company’s real financial performance is not as good as it shows on their financial statement, and share price decrease, company was involve in financial scandal ,the combination of those issue finally result Enron bankrupt.


  4. Hi Amber, I am quite like your blog. The content what you wrote is attractive and the structure of the blog is very clear, which you developed to defined well in the part of Deontological, Teleological Ethics and 4-V model. Also, I completely appreciate that the opinion of being a leader with the characteristic of ethical is very beneficial for leading a team after reading your blog.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Hi Amber.

    Nice blog but not enough pictures for me to look at!

    Hehe… Jokes aside, thank you for informative blog.

    What do you think – in a profit driven society are companies trying to act ethically genuinely or they just use ethics as just another marketing tool?


    1. Hi, Vladimir, thanks for your comments, you have asked a very good question. In my opinion, some organisations may use this as a marketing tool, but some organisations they do realised the importance of being ethical and they are trying to act ethical. I understand that being ethical is not always be a easy thing for profit driven society, especially when they are dealing with money issue. But ethics become more and more important for an organisation, as there are many organisations went bankrupt because their unethical behaviour, so I think with the time goes by, organisation will realise the importance of being ethical and act genuinely.


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